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Appropriation of salvation Appropriation of salvation The internal (effective) call The Ordo Salutis (redemption applied or subjective soteriology) The Ordo salutis is not referring to one consistent criterion: · Temporal priority(effectual calling and glorification) · Causal priority (regeneration and faith) · instruments to object (faith to justification) · Simultaneous (justification and adoption) --> therefore, it is .. 2013. 12. 2.
Theology and history, historical theology history 1. What is history? 2. Objective: Actual facts of past Relevance of history? Lessing's "big ugly ditch" btw history and faith. · Chronological problem(weak verification)_ · Metaphysical problem(gap from history to reason) · Existentil problem (identification gap)_ Ritschl sought to return to the historical method? The History of Religions School Ernst Troeltsch: · Adopted historical rela.. 2013. 12. 2.
Limitation of Reason Limitation of Reason a. Logic presupposes agreement on the nature of and criteria for truth and falsity. b. The disciplines of mathematics and logic are far from consisting of truism c. No one has succeeded in justifying induction from within the discipline of logic. d. The discovery of one fact contrary to one's belief does not serve to refute it. e. The conclusion of a syllogism is true only i.. 2013. 12. 2.
The nature of the church / The aspect of the church / The ministry of the church · The nature of the ch · The aspect of the ch · The ministry of the ch How would you define the Church? I. The Nature of the Ch The ch is the people of G called out to be faithful to him. (holy and blameless before Him) Eph 1:1, 3-6 -> The ch is the elect, those joined to Christ, in eternity past and through eternity future. A. Two perspectives 1. The visible ch The ch as man sees it, therefore .. 2013. 12. 2.
Sacraments AND WORSHIP_Baptism, the Lord's Supper and worship Sacraments AND WORSHIP Baptism The Lord's Supper Worship A. Institution of Baptism 1. commanded by Christ a. always accompanies the command to make disciples(Mt 28:19) 2. Practiced by the ch a. universally practiced in the early ch beginning on the day of Pentecost Subordinate to the gospel, without which it would have no meaning Anyone could baptize who knew the name of J, not limited B. Meanin.. 2013. 12. 2.
Personal Doctrine Statement Sample Personal Doctrine Statement Sample Doctrine of Trinity I believe in the eternal Triune G(Is 57:15 Rom 16:26, Heb 9:14; 13:8) God is one being (Dt 6:4-5; Ex 15:11; Is 45:5-6; 45:21-22; 1 Tm 2:5; Rom 3:30; 1 Cor 8:6; Jas 2:19) and three persons, the Father, the son and the HS. The Father is G (Gn1:1); J is G (Jn 1:1-4; 20:28; Heb 1:10; Rom 9:5) and the HS is G(MT 28:19; Acts 5:34; Ps 139:7-8; 1 Co.. 2013. 12. 2.
personal eschatology and historical eschatology(views on the Millennium) [Doctrine of the last things] I. Personal Eschatology A. The intermediate State 1. The nature of the intermediate state This is an interval of time in which the dead await the final judgment and the resurrection of the body. Different theories: a. Purgatory (RC). b. Soul Sleep (seventh-day Adventists and some others) The dead person is unconscious until the final judgment. Just as the body lies .. 2013. 12. 2.
theology_faith and history, the work of Christ, the image of God I. Faith and history 1. Explain how each area (historical, exegetical, biblical and systematic) theology differs form the other? 2. What is Lessings' "big ugly ditch" and how did Barth, Cullman, Moltmann, and Pannenberg respond to his problem? 3. Explain how history must function in doing orthodox evangelical theology? The work of Christ 1. Explain the biblical doctrine of Atonement using key co.. 2013. 12. 2.