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Church History_Late Medival Times (A.D. 15-16) Church History Late Medival Times (15-16) Anabatists Protestant-Anglican(England) / Reformed(Presbyterian, Hugenots, Calvinist) / Lutheran Roman Catholic Ch ․ Rural farming villages of 500-700 people connected to an estate(usually nobility) ․ Mostly peasants, cloths made from wool or line ․ Poor hygiene(bad teeth), malnouristhe, foul breath ․ Ate dark coarse bread, arrival of corn in 1410 from t.. 2013. 12. 9.
Rudolff Bultmann (1884-1976) Rudolff Bultmann (1884-1976) Faith Faith is not knowledge of historical facts, but a personal response to the Christ confronted in the gospel message, the proclamation that G had acted in J -- j of history holds little relevance for faith. The Lutheran theme of justification by faith to the realm of knowledge and thought. "destroys every longing for security" Kerygmatic understanding of revelati.. 2013. 12. 2.
Martin Heidegger Martin Heidegger A. Phenomenology to Ontology [Being and Time] book B. History of Ontology Why is there something rather than nothing? (the primary ontological Q) C. Return to being D. Language is the way into being E. Human existence is "being there" (Dasein) F. Analysis of Dasein 1. the being of Dasein is not properties but possibilities 2. Being in the world is not spatial but relational 3. t.. 2013. 12. 2.
Karl Barth Karl Barth A. Epistemic foundation Soren Kierkegaard's writings wer perhaps the most important factor in motivaiting Barth to move beyond Ritschlianism. Found the Ritschlian theology to be of no pastoral value. Turned to the Scriptures and the reformers. Probably the most influential theologians of the 20 C. Start with G, revelation, rather than humand feeling or experience Freedom of God. God's.. 2013. 12. 2.
Albrecht Ritschl Albrecht Ritschl A. Epistemic foundation: ethical values 1. influenced by knatian phenomenal /noumenal scheme. 2. rejects doctrines e.g., the preexistence of C. 3. Emphasis on historical scholarship: critical of the biblical record. 4. Seeks a ground of certainty more ultimate than that which can be found in historical scholarship. 5. Concludes that knowledge of G is not a knowledge of historica.. 2013. 12. 2.
Hegel's revision of Aristotle Hegel's revision of Aristotle Aristotle laid down the 3 basic principles of logic: 1. the principle of identity(A=A) 2. the principle of noncontradiction [Not (A and not A)] 3. The principle of the excluded middle [either (A) or (not A)] Hegel believed these principles to be erroneous. so, in his dialectic, everything is in some sense its opposite; 1. A = not A therfore, 2. the principles of non.. 2013. 12. 2.
G. W. F. Hegel(1770-1831) and Friederich Schleiermacher(1768-1834) I. G. W. F. Hegel(1770-1831) A. Metaphysical foundation: Absolute idealism Not only Geist = reality = God, Geist=history B. The nature of the human mind C. The beginnings of creation D. The Dialectic The universal structure of thought reality Thesis-antithesis-synthesis The dialectic of history II. Friederich Schleiermacher(1768-1834) A. Background · He's, theology was in part an attempt to answ.. 2013. 12. 2.
Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) 1. The principle of identity of non-contradiction. 2. The principle of sufficient reason: there is some reason why something exists and why it exists as it does 3. The principle of internal harmony: G actualized only those possibilities that would guarantee the maximum amount of metaphysical and moral … The Principle of Identity All propositions can be divided in tw.. 2013. 12. 2.