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Sacraments AND WORSHIP_Baptism, the Lord's Supper and worship

by reviewer_life 2013. 12. 2.


Sacraments AND WORSHIP



  1. Baptism
  2. The Lord's Supper
  3. Worship



A. Institution of Baptism

1. commanded by Christ

a. always accompanies the command to make disciples(Mt 28:19)


2. Practiced by the ch

a. universally practiced in the early ch beginning on the day of Pentecost

Subordinate to the gospel, without which it would have no meaning

Anyone could baptize who knew the name of J, not limited


B. Meaning of Baptism

1. identification with christ

Name of chrsit was pronounced over the baptized, and the baptized also called upon the name of the Lord; therefore baptism "in the name of Jesus Christ" signifies ownership:

a. the baptized openly confessed in repenteance and faith his submission to the lordship of J

The death of the old life and the resurrection to new life in union with chrsit iks at its heart

2. Identification with the ch

a. death and resurrection with christ refer not only to union with chrsit but to a unity of christ composed of many members

b. The new convert were identified outwardly with the fellowship of believers.



The significance of baptism underscores the inward response toward G, namely faith, which is the foundation for other realities to be strengthened in the experience of the believer as follows;

1. the blessings of faith

2. union with Christ

3. Possession of the Spirit


1pt 3:21



D. Subject of Baptism


P969-980 Grudem






The Lord's Supper

A. Institution of the Lord's Supper


1. commanded by Christ

a. Christ commanded it, and showed it by this example.

b. It fulfills the Passover and all previous sacrificial rites. From now on, the disciples were to remember J and his perfect, final sacrifice given for them.


2. Practiced by the ch

a. Paul claims the Lord's authority for delivering a tradition: 1 Co 11:23

b. the ch immediately after Pentecost was "Breaking bread" in fellowship: (Act 2:42; cf. 20:7, 11)


B. Meaning of the Lord's Supper

1. A remembrance of chrsit's death

a. the significance of the elements is not an reenactment of his death (RC), nor the act of elevatiing or breaking the bread, nor a sacrifice  offered on behalf of both the living and the dead(RC/EO)



2. A present fellowship with Christ

He who invited the disciples to share the last supper continues to be the real Host at each  communion service. An invitation to share a meal is an invitation to fellowship of life. More than that J gives hikmself as the very substance …


B. Meaning of the L's Supper

Arguments against transubstantiation:

1) Disciples did not think they were literally eating his body and drinking his blood.

2) Christ used similar metaphors: "I an the door."

3) use of metaphor is obvious in this ceremony


b. Lutheran - consubstantiation

The body and blood of Christ are present "In, with, and under"

The elements of bread and wine without their transformation.


Arguments against transubstantiation;

They do well to deny the RC idea of the sacrament as a continuing sacrifice. But their emphasis on a literal physical presence of Christ (using physical objects) dilutes the biblical emphasis on receiving Christ by faith alone.


c. Calvin / reformed - Spiritual presence

The L's Supper is not a mere memorial but a means of grace. When we take the L's Supper, Christ is present in the Spirit. The physical body of Christ is in heavne, not on earth. The Christian "feeds on" Chrsit in such a way that partaking the symbols of his body and blood benefits the believer to "partake" of Christ in his redemptive presence by faith.


This interpretation is congruous to Paul's teaching (1 co:16-18)


3. an anticipation of Christ's return

More than just looking backward, there is a forward look to christ's return, because the present spiritual fellowship is not the final fellowship but merely anticipatory of the fuller, more direct fellowship with the Savior. -> NT teaching of the L's supper is not characterized by the solemnity of a funeral, but were full of exultation in anticipation of Christ's  coming as well as the present enjoyment of his person through the Spirit.






a. definition of Worship

It is a sincere giving of devotion to G with a deeply satisfied heart in the power of the Spirit.


B. the  Trinity in worship


Worship is

1. directed toward the triune G, the source of our existence Rev 4:11


2. Mediated through Christ who made worship is acceptable "...by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh." (Heb 10:20)


3. Enabled by the Spirit who tetifiees with our spirit  (Eph 2:18; Rm 8:15-16)


C. Time and place in worship


1. Time the established time of worship came to be the first day of the week( Ac 20:7, 1Co 16:2)


2. Place

Temple - even as Christ had done (mk 14:49), the early Christians were frequenting it praying and teaching.


D. Forms of worship

NT does not provide a standard liturgy, or a list of events to take place in worship. But Paul exhorts the ch to do everything "decently and in order"


1. The Word

As Is's worship began with hearing G, so ch worship began with listening to the word of G through the apostle's teaching.

a. the Apostles were determined not ot let any service take priority over the ministry of the Word.

b. Paul charged Timothy to be devoted to the public reading of Scripture.


2. Prayer

They "continued steadfastly in prayers" (Ac 2:42) in homes (2:46) or in the temple (3:1), and Paul gives exhortations /instructions …


3. Praise/ hymns

The creative spirit was active in song in the NT following the OT Psalter.

The last two of the "pasalms and hymns and spiritual songs:  were products of the ch's own spiritual experience

These were used to glorify G and edify believers by "speaking to one another"

Generally accepted examples of early Christina hymnology are:

Tertullian : During Christina love feast 'each is invited to sing to G in the presence of the others what  he knows of the holy Scripture of from his own heart.


4. Credal formulas

Another aspect of worship in the early ch was the recital of credal formulas.



5. The offering

Without action and deed, love in tongue only is a sham. Therefore the gathering of the ch was


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