ENGLISH61 Rene Descartes(1596-1650) Descartes Rene Descartes(1596-1650) De omnibus dubitandum (Everything is to be doubted) I think, therefore I am. -> This is the only indubitable foundation. He forms a bridge between prescientific world and the modern age. (= the founder of modern philosophy) His main argument for the existence of G was a restatement of the Anselm's ontological argument. And cogito ergo sum had been put forward .. 2013. 12. 2. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) He is the most important of the medieval thinkers, his philosophy dominated the thought of the RC church He produced synthesis between Christianity and Aristotle. Aquinas is also deeply influenced by ne-Platonism, esp. through Pseudo-Dionysius. Faith and Reason · Natural reason, operating apart from revelation, is able to discover not only about the natural world, but ev.. 2013. 12. 2. Anselm of Canterbury (11 C) Anselm of Canterbury (11 C) Thomas Aquinas William Ockham Luther had some background Ockham. Anselm 1033-1109 The Ontological Argument: Proslogium 1 Proslogium 2 · 'We believe that thou art a being than which no greater can be conceived' (Anselm's definition) · Ps 14:1 "The fool says in his heart 'There is no G.'" · This fool at least understands the words 'a being than which no greater can be c.. 2013. 12. 2. Aristotle Aristotle BC. 384- As one of Plato's best students, spent 20 Y One or Two world 1. Heraclitus: stability is an illusion 2. Parmenides: motion is an illusion 3. Plato: Heraclitus-> visible world Parmenides -> world of Forms Aristotle A Distinction is drawn between form and matter (distinguished only in thoguht, not I fact) Forms are: 1) not separate entities - forms always exist together w/ matte.. 2013. 12. 2. Early Christian Theology_Augustine of Hippo Augustine of Hippo (354-430) converted around 386 More aware than earlier Fathers of the philosophical diffences between christianity and other views. More personalistic than Justin, Origen. Solioquies (dialogues with Reason) "God and the soul, that is what I desire to know. Nothing more? Nothing whatever." · Truth is by nature imperishable, for even if it perishes, it is still true that truth h.. 2013. 12. 2. Early Christian Theology_Athanasius of Alexandria Athanasius of Alexandria(290-373) Background Bishop of Alexandria from 328 until the end of his life. Fought valiantly to defend the Nicene doctrine of the Trinity Significance. Athanasius is the 1st great theological reformer, as origen is the 1st great theological synthesizer. The Origenistic synthesis had borne better fruit in the Arian heresy, and Athanasius saw to the root of the problem, d.. 2013. 12. 2. Early Christian Theology_Origen of Alexandria Origen of Alexandria(185-254) Studied philosophy with Ammonius Saccas at Alexandria who also taught Plotinus. Sought to join the martyrs I the persecution of 203, but forbidden Enormous capacity for work. Great achievements in bibilcal scholarship(Hexapla) as well as theology. Major apologetic work: Against Celsus. Significance: · Origen, Thomas Aquinas, F. Schleiermacher are probably the most i.. 2013. 12. 2. Early Christian Theology_ Clement of Alexandria Clement of Alexandria(155-220) · Genial, tolerant fellow, something of a philosophical … Christianity and philosophy · While it doesn't produce faith, it does support it, clarify it, make it attractive. · Faith intuits the first principles of philosophy, so faith is the indispensable basis of philosophy. · Philosophy is God's covenant with the Greeks and the law to the Jews(the river of truth ha.. 2013. 12. 2. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 8 다음