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theology_faith and history, the work of Christ, the image of God

by reviewer_life 2013. 12. 2.


I. Faith and history

1. Explain how each area (historical, exegetical, biblical and systematic) theology differs form the other?

2. What is Lessings' "big ugly ditch" and how did Barth, Cullman, Moltmann, and Pannenberg respond to his problem?

3. Explain how history must function in doing orthodox evangelical theology?



The work of Christ

1. Explain the biblical doctrine of Atonement using key concepts used in the Bible.

(What had happen outside about us?)


Appropriation of Salvation

1. explain what regeneration entails.

2. Explain what saving faith entails.

3. What is the relationship between faith and good works?

4. What is repentance and in what way is it necessary for salvation and the Christian life?


The image of God

1. What is the biblical concept of the image of G, and how does sin and regeneration affect it?

2. Explain three different kinds of freedom.



1. Give a biblical description of sin.

2. How can you explain that there are different degrees of sin?

3. How does sin affect various spheres of our lives?

4. What can you say about the problem/ mystery of evil?

5. What is total depravity and how is it transmitted? - (corruption of our nature it is pervasive…)


Covenant, Justification, Adoption

1. Describe the characteristics of the covenant' include principles emphasized in biblical history.

2. Clearly explain the concept of justification esp. with respect to its relation to the concept of sanctification and the relation between faith and works.

3 What are the characteristics and privileges of Adoption?

(Covenant -emphasis God presence)




1. Explain how Christian holiness relating to others is based on G's holiness toward us.

2. Describe how the holy Spirit enables us to walk in the Spirit toward sanctification.


The Church

1. Discuss the distinctive marks of the true Church and the relationship to its identity according to the Nicene creedal confession.

2. How are the Cultural mandate of Gen 1 and the Great commission of Mt 28 both mandates for the church in light of the relationship between the church and the kingdom?

3. What are the purposes, contexts, and steps for confrontation and discipline in the local church?


(Basically kingdom is not the Church.

In the Nicene Creed “I believing in . . . one holy, catholic, and apostolic church”)


Sacraments and Worship

1. What is the meaning of baptism?

2. Explain how the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Reformed teachings on the Lord's Supper are different.

3. What is the biblical teaching on the offering?


Doctrine of the Last Things

1. Describe the Eternal blessing of believers and the Eternal punishment of unbelievers.

2. What are the arguments for Premillennialism and those for Amillennialism?

3. What are the practical lessons of the second coming of Christ for the


Christianity and World Religions

1. describe the Christian worldview as distinct from many religions and philosophy.
