ENGLISH61 Preparing worship Preparing worship Godward; vertical manward; horisontal Direction human-focused God-focused * contiguous worship PRELUDE PRAISE TEAM CALL TO WORSHIP HYMN OF CELEBRATION CHOIR SPECIAL MUSIC OFFERTORY HYMN OF PREPARATION MESSAGE HYMN OF CONSECRATION POSTLUDE BENEDICTION SONG OF CELEBARATION 2013. 11. 18. Worship : Adoration and action, D. A. Carson Worship : Adoration and action, D. A. Carson 1. Worship the Lord your God: The Perennial Challenge, D. A. Carson (P13) worship is serve God, it is the correct start. And the heart of all biblical religion is God-centeredness, it is worship. So many times I missed this means in worship. Every time I need God centeredness worship. 2. Theology of Worship in the Old Testament, Yoshiaki Hattory (p50).. 2013. 11. 18. Preaching Lesson Medieval period fallen of Rome 1. historical context - 430 -1095(beginning of crusade) preaching change during this time period - 1095-1361 2. homiletic distinctives Rome, Antioc, JS, carthage, __________ 1. historical context - 1) papacy: Leo Ⅰ 40- Innocent Ⅲ 1198 2) Crusades 3) Scholasticism: via dialectical reasoning 4) others : feudalism, plagues, merchant class 2. homiletic distinctives : 1.. 2013. 11. 18. Jesus and sins Sins 1) Mattew Matthew 18:6 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 2) Mark Mark 3:29 But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin." 3) Luke Luke 17:2 It would be better for him to be thrown .. 2013. 11. 18. Foundation of Mission and Evangelism: Perspectives Foundation of Mission and Evangelism Perspectives 1. The living God is a Missionary God, John R. W. Stott The living God is a missionary God. Because He blessed Abraham and his all descendants through the Abraham's seed; Jesus Christ, by faith. And the earth's families will be blessed only if we go to them with the gospel. I confirmed again what God had done for me through Jesus Christ of my onl.. 2013. 11. 18. 이전 1 ··· 5 6 7 8 다음