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personal eschatology and historical eschatology(views on the Millennium)

by reviewer_life 2013. 12. 2.


[Doctrine of the last things]


I. Personal Eschatology


A. The intermediate State

1. The nature of the intermediate state

This is an interval of time in which the dead await the final judgment and the resurrection of the body. Different theories:

a. Purgatory (RC).


b. Soul Sleep (seventh-day Adventists and some others)


 The dead person is unconscious until the final judgment. Just as the body lies dormant until the return of C, so the soul, or the consciousness of the person, is oblivious until the final resurrection.


c. Presence with C


After death believers go immediately to be with C.


2. The nature of 'heaven'

Heaven is a real place, in space and time.

G is not limited to any place, not even to heaven but he manifests himself here in the most intense ways.


3. The condition of the saints in intermediate state

a. emotional

The saints in the intermediate state are not perfectly happy and satisfied. They long for the completion of G's plan. (Rev 6:10-11)


b. physical

A temporary embodiment in the intermediate state? (2Cor 65:1-5)


The condition of the unbelievers in intermediates state

They are in torment awaiting judgment. Lk 16 on the rich man and Lazarus is not just a story, bu it pictures J' own view of what the afterlife is really like: Lk 16:22-24



B. The Eternal State

1. Rapture

When J returns to earth, he will bring all his saints with him. The saints' bodies will rise from the ground, and believers living on earth will be caught up to meet the L in the air '

-> although there is a lot of debate among theologians as to when it happens, there can be no doubt that it will take place.


2. The return of C

The saints' bodies will rise from the ground, and believers living on earth will be caught up to meet the L in the air.


3. G's final judgment

This comes for both the believers and the unbelievers:


a. unbelievers:

Judgment is according to their works : every work, indeed every thought, will be judged.

All secrets will be made known

Since no works, words, or thoughts are perfectly acceptable to G, the judgment is invariably negative- eternal death, eternal punishment, eternal separation from G.


b. believers

2co 5:10, Mt 25:31-46, Rm 14:10, 12)


c. The physical cosmos

  • The creation now groans and travails in pain until the manifestation of the children of G (Rm 8:19-21)
  • Our existence in the new heavens and earth will be physical-eating and drinking and travel through a city with streets.
  • While the New Jerusalem in Rev is symbolic, it describes some heightened, consummate form of physical existence.
  • Like J, our resurrection bodies will be imperishable, powerful, and …


4. The new order

No marrying or giving in marriage. Our earthly families will be transcended by the worldwide family of G.

Nevertheless, there will be greater intimacy with G and with other members of his body.

We will share our lives and gifts openly with one another. No longer suspicious or fearful or envious of one another we will share transparently what we are, what we think, what we are able to do.


Worship in both narrow and broad sense, i.e., specific times for gatering to praise G, or simply making our bodies living sacrifices.


G is fully immanuel.


5. Eternal blessing of believers


6. Eternal punishment of unbelievers

  • Un believers in C stand condemned.
  • Only C can adequately pay for sin against G.
  • The punishment is everlasting.
  • There are degrees of punishment in hell.
  • When gathered around the throne, we will be praising G without reservation
  • Warning about hell is scriptural :? J himself has the most to say about eternal punishment.
  • We are reluctant to talk about hell today: we would like to motivate people to embrace J out of loe, not fear. Scripture does not always bring up hell in an evangelistic context, …


II. Historical Eschatology


Views on the Millennium










Eschatology and the Christian Life

1. We should reorder our priorities.

2. If we are eager for C to return, we should be purifying ourselves (2 Pt 3:12)

3. the return of C is its encouragement. Our labors for him today are not in vain.

4. our very ignorance of the time of J' return has ethical implicaitons; for that ignorance implies that we must be ready at nay time for his return 

5. When J comes, we shall receive a reward, and we should look forward to that reward in our labors here. that .
