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Preaching Lesson

by reviewer_life 2013. 11. 18.

Medieval period


fallen of Rome


1. historical context - 430 -1095(beginning of crusade) preaching change during this time period

- 1095-1361

2. homiletic distinctives



Rome, Antioc, JS, carthage, __________

1. historical context - 1) papacy: Leo 40- Innocent 1198

2) Crusades

3) Scholasticism: via dialectical reasoning

4) others : feudalism, plagues, merchant class

2. homiletic distinctives :

1) generally : worship / liturgy em.... preaching, ...

2) specificall - homilaries

- carolingiam regeim - evangelize + catechize in the common tongue

- catechetical preaching : monks

- monastic preaching : Bernard Clairvaux - allegory, mysticism

- texbooks - 4fold Method(popular)

; Literal / Allegorical / Moral / Eschatological


honor the text

honor the context

honor the people



(- Mendicant Friars)

* Francis of Assisi - Franciscans : Friars Minor

* Dominic - Dominicans = order of preachers



* Renaissance + Reformation (1361-1572)

"rebirth" classical literature- thought

ancient + sources - church father

= humanism




* reformation- formal : Sola Scriptura(only the scripture; one source) Vs 2 source authority

material : Sola fide Vs Faith + works

sola gratia, sola ch...?


*** Luther 1) word of God - incarnate, spoken, written

logos / incarnate word /J , proclaim the word / preaching

2) law - Gospel -

3) simul jucthus et peccator


* law - Gospel - law

* guilt - grace - gratitude !! (the better one)


Herzpunkt -"heart point" ; one central idea




