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Early Christian Theology_Justine Early Christian Theology A, Justine(d.165) or 2nd C Apololgetes (Aristides, Athenagoras, Theophilus, Tatian) Influence from Plato/ Gnostic worldview: 1. God without name. 2. Emphasize negative descriptions of him. 3. God as "being," sometimes to on(neuter) 4. Emanationist/continuum thingking, confusing the Doctrine of the Trinity. Justine Influence from Plato/Gnostic worldview: 1. God makes the .. 2013. 12. 2.
Plato Plato The Sun, the Line, and the Cave(Republic, 505-518) Level of Awareness 1. Conjecture Image invisible 2. Believe Particular object invisible 3. Understanding Mathematical / Scientific concepts visible 4. Reason Forms visible Episteme Ontology Greek world view · Philosophers ; Mind(pure, imageless, contemplation) · Soldier ; Animative, Psyche · Peasants ; body appetitive A. The 2 worlds 1. Th.. 2013. 12. 2.
Good works Good works Necessity of a right Motive 1. The demand for heart-righteousness 2. The divine polemic against externalism and hypocrisy 3. The necessity of faith, love etc. 4. The word must be applied to the most basic level of our being. Basic characteristics 1. Imitation of G's grace in gratefulness: Love as G first loved us in Christ(1Jn 4:7-21, Jn 13:34-15) 2. Imitation of G's common Grace: Lov.. 2013. 12. 2.
Justification and Sanctification Justification The basic concept Justification is a legal (forensic) declaration concerning you, a beliver in Christ. 1. Forensic nature 2. Basis of Justification 3. Relation between faith and works · Genuine faith that receives the gift is followed by motivation to please G, therefore do good works (Eph 2:10) 4. The significance of justification apart from works Justification God declares us rig.. 2013. 12. 2.
Inherited Sin and Actual Sin VI. Inherited Sin A. Biblical Testimony · All sinned(somehow in Adam) · People died from Adam to Moses, though there was no written law One man's sin brought condemnation and death's reign · Many are condemned and died for the trespass of the one man, Adam: · Death comes through the sin of the one man: One man's disobedience made all men sinners · We are condemned for the trespass of the one man.. 2013. 12. 2.
The Image of God The Image of God 1. Uniquely Created by God 2. Creation and evolution 3. The Image of God / what does it mean that God made us in his image? 1. The image of God is physical PS 94:9 / Does he who implanted the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see? 2. The image of G is official Gn 1:28 / As G holds the office of King, so he makes us his assistant kings, his vassel kings to have dominio.. 2013. 12. 2.
Appropriation of salvation Appropriation of salvation The internal (effective) call The Ordo Salutis (redemption applied or subjective soteriology) The Ordo salutis is not referring to one consistent criterion: · Temporal priority(effectual calling and glorification) · Causal priority (regeneration and faith) · instruments to object (faith to justification) · Simultaneous (justification and adoption) --> therefore, it is .. 2013. 12. 2.
Theology and history, historical theology history 1. What is history? 2. Objective: Actual facts of past Relevance of history? Lessing's "big ugly ditch" btw history and faith. · Chronological problem(weak verification)_ · Metaphysical problem(gap from history to reason) · Existentil problem (identification gap)_ Ritschl sought to return to the historical method? The History of Religions School Ernst Troeltsch: · Adopted historical rela.. 2013. 12. 2.