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by reviewer_life 2013. 12. 9.






TWO (2) Parts

Time Limit: THREE HOURS (3 hours)



Part I – Identification (75 points total).

Students must write THREE FACTS in complete sentences for each term. You must do all twenty identification terms.


A. People                                                   B. Groups

1. Philip II of Spain                                   6. Orthodox Churches

2. Richard Niebuhr                                    7. British East India Company

3. John Wesley                                           8. Mormons

4. Charles Finney                                      9. Quakers

5. German philosophers                             10. Jesuits


C. Events/Movements                               D. Texts and Literature

11. Congress of Vienna                             16. Communist Manifesto

12. Social Gospel movement                    17. Indexes of Prohibited/Forbidden Books

13. First Great Awakening                        18. Church Dogmatics

14. Spanish Inquisition                              19. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection...

15. Opium War                                          20. Critique of Pure Reason


E. Terms                                                    F. Misc.

21. “separate, but equal”                           26. Neo-orthodoxy

22. ecumenical                                           27. Pietistism

23. encomienda                                         28. “demythologizing”

24. “virtue of the absurd”                         29. William Carey

25. fundamentalism                                   30. empiricism


Part II – Short Essay (40 points total).

Students must write a short essay on ONE of the following questions. You must have at least five paragraphs: one thesis/introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.


1. Which council is more important: the Council of Trent or the Second Vatican Council? Provide at least three supports to your answer.

2. How did FDE Schleiermacher earn the title of “father of modern Protestant theology”? Discuss at least three elements in his theology to support your view.

3. Which revolution(s) impacted the church the most: the American Revolutionary War, the French Revolution, the 1848 Revolutions or the Industrial Revolution? Provide at least three supports to your answer.



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