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The Holy Roman Empire_The German reformation

by reviewer_life 2013. 12. 9.

The Holy Roman Empire

The German reformation







Central Europe


Boarders: Baltic and North seas to the swiss Cantons, France, Danish kingdom and the Venetian Republic


Ruled by the Holy Roman Emperor(not the Pope)

- emperor is elected by seven people since 1273

-- Archbishops: Mainz, Trier and Cologne

-- King of Bohemia

-- Count palatine of the Rhine

-- Duke of electoral Saxony

-- Margrave of Brandenburg

- Not a hereditary position

The house of Habsburg ruled successively as HREs for many generations(1438-1740)




<The Habsburg Rulers(Austria Family)>

Frederic (1415-HRE 1452-93)

Maximilian (1459-HRE 1493-1519)

Charles (1500-1558) -Grandson of Maximilian

- King of Spain(r. 1516-1555)

- HRE (r. 1519-1556)

Ferdinand (1503-1564) - brother of Charles and grandson of Maximilian

- king of Bohemia nad Hungary(1556-64)

- HRE (1556-64)

Philip , king of Spain(1527-r, 1555-1598) - son of Charles




<Habsburg Empire>(without HRE) / very strong Catholics

Italy, Netherlands, Austria and adjacent area , Spain




<Martin Luther>

Professor(and author)

Friar , Priest ,Heretic, Outlaw, Family man.....


<ML background>

Born : Nov. 12 1483, at Eiseleben, Germany

1505- Thunderstorm; Luther joins Augustinian monastery at Erfurt

1507- Luther celebrates first Mass as a priest

1512- Luther completes his doctorate in theology; joins faculty at the University of Wittenberg


/Staupitz - ML's mentor





<Indulgence Controversy>

Pope Leo (r. 1513-1521), a Medici, financed the rebuilding of Saint Pter's basilica in Rome with indulgences

Indulgence - complete or partial remission by the church of temporal punishment from your sins by fulfilling a condition.

- For ex. if you go on a pilgrimage or say 10 "hail Mary's." you will be forgiven

- by the sixteenth-century, Popes began to give the impression that these indulgences can also save you(and others in purgatory( from eternal punishment.

Archbishop Albert of Mainz was allowed to use part of the sale of indulgences to pay off his debts

Johann Tetzel(d. 1519)

- Dominican monk was selling ST. peter's indulgences near Wittenberg

- His jingle, "As soon as a coin in the coffer rings, another soul from purgatory springs!"



<Martin Luther continues>

"Ninety-five Theses" : Oct. 31. 1517

1518- Luther Meets Cardinal Cajetan at Augsburg, Germany

1519- Leipzig Debate with Johann Eck where agrees that he agrees with Jan Hus.

Exsurage Domine (1520) - Pope Leo X orders Luther to recant

1520 - Luther writes pamphlets against the Roman Catholic Church

Diet of Worms (1521) - Luther stands up to Emperor Charles

Edict of Worms (1521)- Charles declares Luther an outlaw

1521 - Luther hides at the Wartburg Castle


(Wartburg Castle) - Wiki



<Philip Melanchthon>(1497-1560)

"Germany's Teacher, " Humanist, Philologist, educator, theologian

Influenced by Luther, became Luther's eyes and ears while at Wartbrug, became Luther's handpicked successor

Nephew of Johannes Reuchlin (famous humanist)

1518 - joins faculty at University of Wittenberg as an instructor of Greek and the classics

Had a conciliatory personality like Marin Bucer; considered a moderate; wanted to connect with the calvinists later

- Led the Philippists, called the Crypto-Calvinists by Gnesio-Lutherans

- He eventually agreed to the Reformed understanding of the Christ's presence in the Eucharist




<Melanchthon's Books>

Loci Communes(1521)

- Sometimes known as known as loci Theologici(1521)

- Full title: "Hypotyposes theologicae seu loci communes"

- First systematic evangelical text

- More editions: 1535, 1543 and 1555 (German edition)_

- Focused on biblical texts

Augsburg Confession(1530)

- Wrote final form (previous forms were discussed with Luther)

- Wrote its defense, Apology

Co-authored many other confessions

Wrote humanistic books




<Romans 1:17>

[UBS] dikaiosuvnh ga;r qeou' ejn aujtw'/ ajpokaluvptetai ejk pivstew" eij" pivstin, kaqw;" gevgraptai, @O de; divkaio" ejk pivstew" zhvsetai.


(NIV) For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."



<Luther's Theology : Word of God>

Starting and final point of theology

the word of God is Jesus! and the bible is about Jesus!

Why the bible over church traditions?

- the gospel, Jesus Christ, made the church and the bible

- the bible is a better witness of the gospel than the church, which is often corrupt and corrupted

- The bible trumps the church, the popes, and traditions

viva vox evangelii (living voice of the gospel) - the spoken Word; preaching the gospel: the forgiveness of sins; it's powerful!



<Luther's theology : Knowledge of God>


a priori

- people can know that God exists by rationalization or by nature

- People can know the difference between good and evil

Theology of glory -true knowledge of God

- God as he knows himself

- Limited humans can never fully know the infinite glory of God

Theology of the cross -God of revelation

- Limited humans can know what God reveals to us especially with the cross

- the cross is the best way to know God

- We know God as the way God wants to be known and can be known

- the cross is very different from glory



<Luther's Theology: Law and Gospel>

In the theology of the cross (aka God of revelation), God presents himself in two ways : law(judgment) and gospel(grace)

- they always come together

- You have both law and gospel in OT and NT


- Mosaic Laws

-- reveal's God's holiness(law)

-- Drives us to Christ(gospel)


- Forgiveness

-- Meant that we were under a very harsh law

-- We have been pardoned


- Law secured sinners in their sinfulness




<Luther's Theology: Two kingdoms>

1) state

- law

- secular

- has the power of the sword /- by death

- Created to control society (to prevent chaos)


2) Church

- gospel

- Spiritual / heavenly

- No power of the swor

- Should not be confused with the state



- Rulers follow law(state) not the gospel(church)

- Christians can follow a non-christian ruler

- As sinners, christians are under the authority of the state(to prevent chaos)

- True faith should not to force itself on the state



<Luther's theology: the sacraments>


- instituted by Christ choosing material elements

- proclaims the forgiveness of sins(gospel)


- Baptism

-- Brings new life to Christ

-- Paedobaptism /- infant


- Lord's Supper:

-- God forgives sins

-- gives community (and life) to his people

-- Christ's presence in the element's Consubtatiation




Eucharist, Lord's SUPPER, AND Communion- different names for the same practice

Mass- Catholic version


Elements /Kinds

- Wine

- Bread



- What did christ mean when he said, "This is my body...; this is my blood?"

- How is Christ present during Communion?



<Different Views>

Transubstantiation(Catholic) - real presence; physical

- Aquinas and Aristotle

- Jesus is there physically

- It looks (accidents/ appearances) like bread and wine but it's really ( Substance/ essence) Jesus's body and blood


Consubstantiation(Lutheran) real presence: physical

- Jesus is there physically

- Jesus is there with the elements: in, over and between


Dynamic (Reformed/ Anglican) - real presence: spiritual

- Jeuss is spiritually there in the elements

-- "efficacy of Christ's body and blood is given to the regenerate"

-- Christ's body and blood spiritually nourishes God's people via the elements


- Christians take the elements and Christ's real presence by faith


Memorial Service /Zwinglian / None("sacramentarians")

- They're symbols! We're remembering Jesus' death!

- He is not in the elements at all



Selection of Luther's Works

- Ninety- Five thesis(1517)

- ON the Papacy at rome(1545)

-Address to the German Nobility.....





Protestant German towns ..



- Free imperial city in the HRE, Multi-national, multi- religious/ Lutheran/

- Important Reformers: Matthias and Katherine Schutz Zell(husband and wife), Wolfgang Capito, Martin Bucer, Casper Hedio


Martin Bucer(1491-1551)

Reformed theologian, church organizer and political activist in southern Germany

Best known for

-1) Reformation in strasbourg,

- 2) influenced Calvin

- 3) Conciliatory stance and

- 4) taught at Cambridge


Influenced by Erasmus and Luther; also influenced by Zwinngli, Oecolampadius, Melanchthon


<Swiss Cantons>

- free and independent city-states


<Swiss confederation>

independent from HRE (since 1499)


<Swiss Church>

the swiss church different from swiss confederation

Larger cities such as Zurich and Berne campaigned to have vibrant religionus life under magisterial rule

Lcerne : Oswald Myconius

Zurich : Huldrych Zq2ingli, Heinrich Bullinger

Geneva : G Farel, John Calvin

Basle : Johann Oecolampadius



<Huldrych Zwingli>(1484-1531)

Born seven weeks after Luther

Influence by Erasmus and Luther

Did not believe in the presence of Christ in the elements

Believed in infant baptism

brought the Reformation to Zurich

Died at Kappel on Oct. 11. 1531; Catholics quartered his body, burned it, and scattered it

Succeeded by Bullinger


<Heinrich Bullinger(1504-1575)>

Fatehr of covenant theology, that there is one covenant in history from Adam to present: grace

Succeeded Zwingli at Zurich and tured the town into an international community

close friend of Calvin via letters but disagreed with calvin on three points

- Lord's supper: testimony or instrument of God's grace? Calvin was willing to compromise

- single predestination

- nature of Christian community : Christian ruler -Christian community; Calvin believe in two spheres; Christian and secular


Wrote more that any other reformer




<Popular Expressions of Reformation>

flugschriften - reformation pamphlets

German Peasants' war (1525) - Peasants took up arms and violence against the nobility claiming luther as their leader; Luther first told them that they should be peaceful' when they refused, luther told the princes to slaughter them.




ana -re; baptism

one common belief : No infant baptism! Adults only!

Movement called the Radical reformation them used by historian George H Williams

Not part of mainstream protestantism; often executed by mainstream protestant towns

Common Characteristics:

- "Social radicalism" = wanting to create a utopian society based on the new teatament;

- commitment to individual holiness of conduct and strict church discipline

- Usually pacifists

- Aversion to clerical, Scholarly, Mercantile, and governmental elites

- Patriarchal generally but women had more opportunity to serve and be leaders than main stream

- Believed that ordinary people can interpret the Bible through the Holy Spirit especiallly in the last day




The Second Wave of the Reformation


Various Names

- Reformed

--General term to encompass various denominations

-- Calvin + others

- Calvinist

- Presbyterian(British)

-- Greek word: Presbyter(elder; overseer; supervisior

--Mostly Scottish influence

- Huguenot(French)

! Protestants implies Calvinist


Today's Denominations in English

- Reformed

-- Implies both a general and Continental influence

-- Example: United Reformed Church(URC)



-- Imply a Scottish-English(and American) influence

-- Usually in the name of the church or in its denominational affliction


How to use the terms in English



Geographic Expansion

Major Presence

-Swiss Cantons

-- Geneva-Calvin - Beza

-Zurich - Zwingli- Bullinger

-Low Countries

-- the Netherlands

- Great Britain

-- England



Minor Presence

- France

- Holy Roman Empire

-- Germany(south-west)

-- Hurgary


Reformed Orthodox Families

- Major Families

-- Swiss family

-- Scottish-English family

-- Dutch-German family




Reformed Doctrines and Beliefs

- No single central dogma; no single central theologian(calvin is as close as one gets)

- Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion represents a part of the reformed tradition

-- predestination is NOT its central doctrine(but part of the tradition)

-- Calvin's Institutes, Predestination is in Book3, Ch. 21-24

- God is sovereign (and he loves his people)

- Christ saves completely a sinful people

- The bible is sufficient to know and obey God

- Covenant Theology


Covenant Theology

--Redemptive-Historical: History(and especially the Bible) is about God redeeming his people through Jesus Christ

---"Grace, concealed in the OT, is revealed in the new." -Augustine

--- The OT is full of typologies that foreshadows God's intention to redeem his people, the elect, through Christ's propitiating work on the cross.

-- There are two covenants: Grace and works that exist in the NT&OT

-- The Covenant of Grace

---Where God promises both to himself and the elect that he will save his people through a savior, Jesus Christ

---Unconditional in that Christ took it upon himself to save sinners; not dependent on sinners

-- The covenant of Works

---Conditional based upon man's work

--- Partly known by nature since God's law was written in the heart of man

-- Bullinger the father of Covenant Theology But this correlation between the NT&OT was popular I nSouth-West Germany and in the Swiss cantons



- Jacobus Arminius(1560-1609), Dutch theologian who didn't like some part of Calvin's theology

- Remonstrance(1610) document that contains "Five Articles of Arminianism" drawn up by Arminius' followers

- Remonstants/ Arminians(not Armenians)

-- do not agree Calvin's understanding of predestination(or original sin, grace, atonement, etc)

-snod of Dordrecht/




- Total Depravity

-- man is completely depraved (original sin inherited from Adam)

-- man cannot please God (without faith in Christ)


- Unconditional Election

-- God decreed that some people will be saved

00 Predestination is NOT the same as foreknowlede. God predestined therefore he foreknew


- Limited Atonement

-- Atonement is limited in scope but not in its nature of saving completely

00 "Sufficient for the word; efficient for the elect only." God saves the elect.

-- NOT universal salvation where he died for all and everyone is saved.


- Irresistible Grace

-- Intoxicating we choose Christ through the Holy Spirit

-- Those who were appointed to eternal life believed (Acts13:48)


- Perseverance of the Saints

-- Believers will persevere by God's grace

-- Believers DO Not persevere by their own obedience




- God elected/predestined/ chose people for himself

- God chose them in his sovereignty before they chose God, He decreed it!- God chose me before I chose God

- Predestination includes foreknowledge but does not mean foreknowledge.

- God chose the person first therefore he foreknows who will be saved.

-- NoT God foreknow who will choose and then choose him back.

- Mystery! This does not conflict with man's free will

- Double Predestination

--- single predestination people will only say that God chooses people to heaven; they will not say that God chooses people to go the hell.

--- What's implicit in single predestination is made explicit in double predestination

--- God chooses people to go to heaven (based on Christ's merits) therefore God also chooses people to go to hell(based on their own merits)

- Hyper-Calvinism- system of theology framed to exalt the honor and glory of God and thus minimizing the moral and spiritual responsibility of sinners(Peter Toon)




-Paedobaptists(except Reformed Baptists) -! paedo = babies

-- baptize infants

--- confirm their belief when they're adults

--- communion requires examination

--- adult age is determined by each denomination


-- baptize adults


- Lord's Supper - Dynamic Presence

-- Christ is there in the elements spiritually (via the Holy Spirit)

-- People feed on the elements for both spiritual and physical nourishment



What's the Difference?

- Creed

-- Formal statement of beliefs

-- "The Apostle;s Creed"


- Canons

-- Church decrees

-- Canons of Dort(1619)


- Articles of Faith

-- An outline of beliefs

-- Thirty-Nine Articles(1663)


- Confession

-- Long list of beliefs

-- Westminster Confession of Faith(1657)


- Catechism

-- Questions

-- Answerws

-- Heidelberg Catechism(1563)


- Systematic Theology/ Doctrines/ Dogmatics

-- Organizes doctrines/ beliefs

-- Example; Institutes of the Christian Religion(1536)


widely Used Reformed Confessional Texts

- Three Forums of Unity

-- Belgic Confession of Faith )1561)

-- Heidelberg Catechism(1563)

-- Canons of Dort(1618-1619)


- Second Helvetic Confession(1566)


- Westminster

-- Confession of Faith(1647)

-- shorter Catechism(1647)

-- Larger Catechism(1648)


Other major Text

- Institutes of the Christian Religion

John Calvin / First Latin ed. (1536)

- Zurich Consensus



England's Royal Genealogy The Tudors

- Henry VII(r. 1485-1509)

-Founder of Tudor dynasty

- ended the wars of the Roses (Lancaster and York family feud) by marrying Elizabeth of York, eldest daughter of Edward IV

- Married his daughter, Margaret, to James IV of Scotland.

- Married Arthur to Catherine of Aragon. When Arthur died, Catherine of Aragon married his second son, Henry(future Henry VIII).

- Henry VIII(r. 1509-1547)



Henry VIII wanted a son

- Henry VIII wanted a divorce from Catherine.

- when the pope said no, henry hired a new advisor, Thomas Cromwell.(1529)


Henry VIII's brezk with Rome

- T. Cromwell replaced WOLSEY as the king's chief advisor

0 Cromwell encouraged the anti-clerical sentiments in the parliament

- T. Cranmer becaomes the new Archbiship of Canterbury

0 In 1533, Cranmer grants the king a divorce

- the pope excoomunicates them.

- Cromwell and the Parliament issues the Act of Supremacy of 1534

00 Henry is the head of the church

00 king is the head of the empire of Eng.

0 Citizens cannot appeal to Rome

- Eng's revenues doubles

-- Monastic lands and possessions sold off

--Monasteries dissolves


Henry's wives

Catherine of Aragon

Anne Boleyn

Jane Seymour

Anne of Cleves

Catherine Howard

Catherine Parr



Edward VI(1537-r. 1547-1553)

- Jane Seymour and Henry VIII's son


Protestant England under Edward VI

- Cranmer Works

-- The book of Common prayer

- Forty-two Articles of Religious Beliefs

- Act of Uniformity of 1549 - churches must use the Book of Common Prayer

- Bibles in English

-- william Tyndale(1494-1536)

-- Miles Cloverdale(1488-1568)

RC Anglican Ruritanism

ed X





Mary Tudor

(1516-r. 1553-1558)

- Henry VIII's will stated that Mary should succeed Edward.


- Cardinal Reginald Pole (1500-1558), a humanist Catholic, replaced Cranmer as the Archbishop of Canterbury after Cranmer was arrested, tried then executed for treason and heresy.


- England became Catholic again.

-- nearly 300 Protestants died (mostly working class)

-- nearly 800 protestants left the country


- Pole encouraged Mary to be ruthless against the Protestans


- Mary married future Philip II of Spain(r. 1556-1598) in 1554


- No children



Elizabeth I

(1533-r. 1558-1603)

- The New English Deborah! (Gloriana, the Virgin Queen)

- She was a politically savvy.

- Moderate reformer

- William Cecil, Lord Burghly, (1520-98) chief secretary and advisor

- Francis Walsingham(c. 1530-90) Secretary of State who created a spy network to learn about plots against the queen

- Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester(c. 1532-88) favorite of the queen, later military commander

- "Thirty-Nine Articles" issued in 1552


Via media


Chruch of England

/Institutional Names

- church of England

- Anglican Church

- Episcopalian Ch.


- Anglicans

- Episcopalians


Ch. structure

Threefold Ministr

0 Bishop / Priest / Deacon


Archbiship of Canterbury;senior bishop/ Archbishop of York ;


Scottish Royal Genealogy ; The House of Stuart /Stewart

Robert II(r. 1306-29) first Stuart

David II, RobertII, III; James I, II, III...

James IV(r. 1488-1513)

James V(r. 1513-1542)

Mary(of Guise), Queen of Scots(r. 1542-1567)

James VI(1567-1625)


Mary, Queen of Scots

Married to future Francis II(France) in 1558


Jmes VI of Scotland(1566-1625)

Danley and Mary, Queen of Scots/ son

he raised a protestant /George Buchanon was James's tutor

1603 James becomes king of England and unites England and Scotland under one monarchy

Authorized King James Version(1611) standard English Bible for next 250 years.



John Knox(c. 1514-1572)


Leader of the Scottish Reformation

Wrote anti-feminist tract "The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women."(1558)

Returned to Scotland in 1559



Scottish Reformation

six Johns: Knox, Winram, Spottiswoode, Willock, Douglas, Row

Scots Confession(1560)

Book of Discipline


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