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Bible & Interpretation_Biblical interpretation & Scripture & Preaching

by reviewer_life 2013. 11. 18.

* Biblical Interpretation

* Doing Theology through Scripture

* Preaching


Biblical Interpretation

-Proposition : Every biblical text must be interpreted.

--Gordon Fee: "The Need to Interpret" introduction


- Definitions: (Marshall pp. 11-12)

-- Interpretation - the activity of understanding the text: "what we do when we are actually dealing with the text"

-- Hermeneutics - the art or science of interpretation: "what we do when we discuss that is going on when we do interpretation"


Three Levels of bible study

- General Hermeneutics

-- The system, philosophy, and theology of finding "meaning" in the text, and how presuppositions affect interpretation.


- Exegesis

-- Textual-linguistic, grammatical-historical study of the text


- Exposition(Application)

-- The task of connecting ancient texts and what they meant "back then" to contemporary contexts and what they mean "today" for us.




- Importance of Philosophical Examination

-- how do we find meaning in any text? Or know anything?


- Importance of Theological Assumptions

-- How do we understand the text within our confessional framework?

-- Biblical Theology to Systematic Theology


- Importance of Historical Frameworks

-- History behind every text; context, situation, purpose

-- Salvation History




- Finding"authorial intent" in the text - goal of exegesis!!

-- Grammatical -historical exegesis

-- Historical-critical method


- Building the skills for exegesis

-- Biblical languages

-- Intense search for original intent; what and why?


- Building the framework for exegesis

-- Historical reconstruction ; be cautious

-- Theological perspectives




- Understanding the text first

- Controlling the urge to control the text.

- Building bridges responsibly.

- What is the appropriate response for the which the text calls?



Doing Theology

- What is theology? How to do theology?


- What is the place of the bible in theology?

-- Formulation of doctrine (authoritative)


- Dealing with the problem of development

-- what teachings develop within Scripture?"

-- Are there scripture principles for dealing with development?




- Preaching is the goal of hermeneutics.

--"the final goal of hermeneutics is not systematic theology but the sermon." (Osborne, Hermeneutical Spiral, p.12)

-- "The true goal of hermeneutics I not the commentary but the sermon." (Osborne, Hermeneutical Spiral, P. 339)


- Meaning and significance go hand in hand.

-- Interpretation without contextualization misses the point

-- The bible is the Living Word of God(cf. Acts 6:7 ; 12:24)



Expository preaching


- Hermeneutical integrity

-- Faithfully reproduces the text


- Cohesion

-- A sense of the whole


- Movement and direction

-- Noting the purpose or goal of a passage


- Application

-- Noting the contemporary relevance of the passage

